FO4ACP: Producing healthily while protecting the environment
After the preliminary in 2020, CPM is going on with the FO4ACP program for 2021. Place to the concretization with our vision focused on farmer’s development and independency. From that perspective, our objective will be more enforced. Farmers need to produce effectively but they also need to take into account health matter. Most importantly, they have to be responsible for their acts and protect the environment. Thus, CPM will perpetuate a new principle: Producing effectively and healthily while protecting the environment.
Two regions have been chosen for this program: Atsinanana and Alaotra Mangoro. CPM will then be in collaboration with the DRAEP (Regional Director of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing), the FDAr (Regional Fond for Agriculture Development), the DREDD (Regional Director of Environment and Sustainable Development) and the LFL in both regions. In fact, not only does the FO4ACP project support farmers through maize production but it also requires the collaboration with the partners. Concerning farmers’ participation, the project encourages especially young farmers and women to partake with men.
Roadtrip. The mission started with a courtesy visit in each of our partners in Atsinanana and in Alaotra Mangoro. Not only was this first trip a reminder of the FO4ACP objective, but it was also the moment to ensure the motivation of the stakeholders. The meetings were fruitful as these actors accept to work with CPM and to partake to the workshop based on the development of maize value chain.
The development of maize value chain features prominently in the FO4ACP project. For that reason, CPM has organized a meeting with the partners, the board members of the regional CPM and the maize producers in the two regions.
In Atsinanana

In Alaotra Mangoro